Soil Security Research in Indonesia:
PAPER - OPEN ACCESS Hundred fifty years of soil security research in Indonesia: Shifting topics, modes of research and gender balance Kurniatun Hairiah a, Dian Fiantis,, Sri Rahayu Utami, Anne Nurbaity c, Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami, Frisa Irawan Ginting, Dwi Priyo Ariyanto e, Mohammad Nurcholisf, Budiman Minasny,[...]
Structure and Composition of Major
PAPER - OPEN ACCESS Structure and Composition of Major Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (MA) under Different Farmer Management of Coffee and Pine Agroforestry System Cahyo Prayogo1, Dimas Prastyaji, Budi Prasetya and Novi Arfarita AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science Citation : Prayogo, C., Prastyaji, D., Prasetya, B., &[...]
Land-use Changes And Slope
PAPER - OPEN ACCESS Land-use changes and slope positions impact on the degradation of soil functions in nutrient stock within the Kalikungkuk micro watershed, East Java, Indonesia Anita Dwy Fitria, Sudarto, S Kurniawan Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Citation : ISSN: 2339-076X (p);[...]
Characterization, Changes in Soil
PAPER - OPEN ACCESS Characterization, Changes in Soil Properties and Vegetation Distribution as Affected by Topography in Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia Haidar Fari Aditya, Seca Gandaseca, Mochtar Lutfi Rayes, Daljit Singh Karam, Cahyo Prayogo, Gabryna Auliya Nugroho AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science [...]
Adaptation To And Mitigation
PAPER - OPEN ACCESS Adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the Bangsri Micro-watershed, East Java, Indonesia K Hairiah1, C Prayogo1, S Kurniawan1 and Sudarto1 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Citation K Hairiah et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 648 012128 DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/648/1/012062
Soil Quality Degradation
PAPER - OPEN ACCESS Soil quality degradation under horticulture practices in volcanic slope soil, East Java – Indonesia S Kurniawan1, M P Agustina2, R A Wiwaha2, A Y Wijaya2 and A D Fitria3 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Citation S Kurniawan et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 648 012062 DOI[...]